It seems like you are using a mobile device to access Rayman Typer.

Rayman Typer won't work correctly on phones or tablets!

Try visiting Rayman Typer on a laptop or desktop so that everything runs the way it should!
Rayman Typer allows anyone to create bodies of text in the font style found in the original Rayman game!
Simply type something into the input box! Once you've input some text you can change the text color, alignment, and background color by hovering over their respective buttons.
When you're happy with how everything looks, simply take a screenshot using your keyboard's
"print screen" key.
That's ok! There are a few characters that never appeared in-game, so they were never created by Rayman's developers! I gave my best attempt at creating a few of the missing characters. For the ones I wasn't able to create, you will see a warnign sign in its place.
Created by Seán Mythen